Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sensational Saturday

Our favorite day of the trip is always the last work day.  Not only because it is the last work day but because we celebrate with the local workers we labored side by side with throughout the week.  Since it was Saturday, there was a large group (about 60) children attending bible school on campus.  A couple of the guys brought two back packs full of candy, pencils, kids books, etc.  We handed them out and spent some time with the kids.  It was very rewarding.

We are headed off to Benin this morning (Sunday) for a couple days and will not be able to post so this is most likely our final entry.  Thank you all for following our journey and posting comments.  The entire team here is very thankful for all of your prayers and support.


  1. THANK YOU for the Blog!! It was great to be able to read what was happening each day! I was able to share your work with many people.
    Barbara Bickford

  2. Thank you Greg and Scott for sharing this exciting endeavor with us. Hopefully this comment will get back without the 'illegal character' message. These posts have been awesome,and the work all of you re doing is incredible!
    Enjoy your (finally!) R&R time, and travel safely home.
    God bless you both and your dedicated colleagues.

    Mom and Dad


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